Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Overview of the Course

    • How to use this course

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Module 1 - Why Agile Marketing?

    • What's Driving Adoption of Agile Marketing?

    • VUCA - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity

    • Assignment: Examples of VUCA from your own marketing experience

    • Test your learning

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    Module 2 - What is Agile Marketing?

    • What is Agile Marketing

    • The Values of Agile Marketing

    • The Principles of Agile Marketing

    • What Agile Marketing is Not

    • Agile Marketing & Modern Marketing

    • Test your learning

    • Assignment - Explain Agile Marketing to Others

    • Additional Resources

  • 4

    Module 3 - Implementing Agile Marketing

    • The Six Disciplines of Agile Marketing

    • The Four Shifts

    • Additional resources: Chapters from The Six Disciplines of Agile Marketing

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    Module 4 - Alignment

    • Getting alignment with your team

    • Exercise - Find Your Why

    • Align with other parts of the business

    • Discussions with other parts of the business

    • Case Study - SpaceSaver Corp

    • Assignment: Reflect on Spacesaver case study

    • Align with Customer Needs and Wants

    • Assignment - The marketing model canvas

    • Test your learning

    • Additional Resources

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    Module 5 - Structure

    • Skill set teams vs cross-functional teams

    • Different approaches to organizing cross-functional teams

    • Transitional strategies for moving to cross-functional teams

    • Assignment - Silos game

    • Case Study - Best Buy Canada

    • Assignment: Reflect on Best Buy Canada case study

    • Test your learning

    • Assignment: Critically evaluate marketing organization structure alternatives

    • Additional Resources

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    Module 6 - Moving From a Focus on Outputs to a Focus on Outcomes

    • The Value of Focusing on Outcomes over Outputs

    • How to Shift to a Focus on Outcomes

    • Picking a North Star Metric

    • Test Your Learning

    • Assignment: Getting Started with Outcomes

    • Additional Resources

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    Next Steps...

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...



Jim Ewel

Jim Ewel began his journey with Agile Marketing in 2010 and is one of the leading bloggers on the topic ( He is the author of the essential guide to implementation, The Six Disciplines of Agile Marketing. He was the co-organizer of the first gathering of Agile Marketers, called SprintZero, in June of 2012, and is one of the authors of the Agile Marketing Manifesto. He is frequently asked to speak on the topic of Agile Marketing at industry conferences, and he has helped companies as diverse as T-Mobile, Salesforce, Best Buy Canada, SpaceSaver, Great Dane Trailers, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, and Zenprise learn about and adopt Agile Marketing.